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The SUMSQ formula is a Math formula that returns the sum of the squares of a given set of numbers. It is commonly used to calculate the sum of squares for a set of values, which can be useful in statistical analysis and other mathematical operations.


Use the SUMSQ formula with the syntax shown below, it has 1 required parameter and 1 optional parameter:

=SUMSQ(value1, [value2, ...])
  1. value1 (required):
    The first value or range of cells to sum the squares of.
  2. value2, ... (optional):
    Additional values or ranges of cells to sum the squares of, up to a maximum of 255.


Here are a few example use cases that explain how to use the SUMSQ formula in Google Sheets.

Calculate the sum of squares for a set of values

The SUMSQ formula can be used to calculate the sum of squares for a set of values, which is useful in statistical analysis and other mathematical operations.

Calculate the sum of squares for a range of cells

By entering a range of cells as a parameter, the SUMSQ formula can be used to calculate the sum of squares for all the values in that range.

Calculate the sum of squares for multiple sets of values

The SUMSQ formula can be used to calculate the sum of squares for multiple sets of values by providing multiple value parameters separated by commas.

Common Mistakes

SUMSQ not working? Here are some common mistakes people make when using the SUMSQ Google Sheets Formula:

Incorrect number of arguments

One of the most common mistakes when using SUMSQ is to provide the wrong number of arguments. The formula requires at least one argument, but it can accept up to 30. If you provide more than 30 arguments, you will get an error. If you provide fewer than one argument, the formula will return an error as well.

Using non-numeric values

SUMSQ is a math formula that only works with numeric values. If you provide text, logical values or empty cells as arguments, the formula will return an error. Make sure that you only provide numeric values as arguments.

Incorrect cell references

Another common mistake is to provide incorrect cell references as arguments. If you provide cell references that contain non-numeric values or that are empty, the formula will return an error. Double-check that you are referencing the correct cells in your formula.

Forgetting to close parentheses

When using SUMSQ, it's important to close all parentheses at the end of the formula. Forgetting to close parentheses can lead to errors or unexpected results. Make sure that you have closed all parentheses in your formula.

Using unnecessary brackets

The SUMSQ formula only requires parentheses to enclose its arguments. If you use unnecessary brackets, you may get an error or unexpected results. Make sure that you only use parentheses to enclose your arguments.

The following functions are similar to SUMSQ or are often used with it in a formula:

  • SUM

    The SUM function in Google Sheets adds up a range of numbers. This function is most commonly used to sum the values in a range of cells.


    The SUMIF formula is used to add up values in a range that meet a specific criterion. It can be used to sum values based on text, numbers, or dates. The formula is most commonly used in financial analysis, budgeting, and data analysis.


    The SUMIFS formula is a function in Google Sheets that adds the values in a specified range based on multiple criteria. It is most commonly used to sum data that meets specific criteria, such as summing sales for a particular month by region or summing expenses for a specific category and date range.

  • SQRT

    The SQRT function returns the positive square root of a given number. It can be used to find the length of a side of a right triangle, or to calculate standard deviation. The function takes one argument, the value or reference to the cell containing the number for which you want to find the square root.


    The POWER formula is a mathematical function that calculates a number raised to the power of another number. It returns the result of a base number raised to an exponent.

Learn More

You can learn more about the SUMSQ Google Sheets function on Google Support.