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The CEILING.MATH formula in Google Sheets rounds a given number up to the nearest multiple of a specified significance. This function is typically used to round up numbers to the nearest multiple of a certain value, such as when dealing with pricing or quantities.


Use the CEILING.MATH formula with the syntax shown below, it has 1 required parameter and 2 optional parameters:

=CEILING.MATH(number, [significance], [mode])
  1. number (required):
    The number to be rounded up to the nearest multiple of the specified significance.
  2. significance (optional):
    The multiple to which the number should be rounded up. If omitted, the function rounds the number up to the nearest integer.
  3. mode (optional):
    Determines how the function handles negative numbers. If omitted, the function rounds negative numbers away from zero.


Here are a few example use cases that explain how to use the CEILING.MATH formula in Google Sheets.

Rounding up to the nearest dollar value

When dealing with pricing, the CEILING.MATH formula can be used to round up a given value to the nearest dollar (or any multiple of one dollar).

Round up to the nearest multiple

The CEILING.MATH formula can be used to round up a given number to the nearest multiple of a specified value, such as rounding up quantities of items to the nearest dozen or hundred.

Dealing with negative numbers

The CEILING.MATH formula can be used to handle negative numbers by specifying the mode parameter to round negative numbers towards zero or towards negative infinity.

Common Mistakes

CEILING.MATH not working? Here are some common mistakes people make when using the CEILING.MATH Google Sheets Formula:

Incorrect number of arguments

One of the most common mistakes is providing the wrong number of arguments to the formula. Double-check that you have provided the correct number of arguments and have not missed any.

Wrong argument type

Another common mistake is providing an argument of the wrong type. For example, providing a text string instead of a number. Make sure you are providing the correct type of argument for each parameter.

Incorrect use of the mode parameter

The mode parameter determines how rounding is performed. Make sure you understand the different modes and are using the correct one for your needs.

Significance is not a multiple of 1

If you are providing a significance parameter, make sure it is a multiple of 1. Providing a value that is not a whole number can cause unexpected results.


Be careful not to confuse the CEILING.MATH formula with the similar CEILING formula. They have slightly different syntax and perform rounding in different ways.

The following functions are similar to CEILING.MATH or are often used with it in a formula:


    The FLOOR.MATH formula rounds a number down to the nearest integer or to the nearest multiple of a specified significance, depending on the mode. This formula is commonly used in financial and accounting applications to round down a number to a specific decimal place or to the nearest dollar or thousand. The FLOOR.MATH formula is similar to the FLOOR formula, but it provides more flexibility in terms of rounding to a specific significance and choosing the rounding mode.


    The ROUND formula rounds a number to a specified number of decimal places. It is commonly used to simplify large numbers or to make a number more readable. The formula can round both positive and negative numbers. If the places parameter is not specified, the formula rounds to the nearest integer.


    The ROUNDUP formula rounds a number up to a specified number of decimal places. It is commonly used to simplify the display of numbers or to perform calculations that require a certain level of accuracy.


    The ROUNDDOWN formula rounds a number down to a specified number of decimal places. It is commonly used in financial calculations, such as calculating the total cost of a purchase including tax. The formula takes a required value parameter and an optional places parameter specifying the number of decimal places to round to.

Learn More

You can learn more about the CEILING.MATH Google Sheets function on Google Support.