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The TRANSPOSE formula in Google Sheets allows you to flip a table of data by turning rows into columns and columns into rows. This can be useful for reorganizing data or preparing it for use in other formulas.


Use the TRANSPOSE formula with the syntax shown below, it has 1 required parameter:

  1. array_or_range (required):
    The range of cells or array of values to transpose. The range must contain the same number of rows and columns after transposing.


Here are a few example use cases that explain how to use the TRANSPOSE formula in Google Sheets.

Flipping a table of data

If you have a table of data with rows and columns, you can use TRANSPOSE to flip the table so that the rows become columns and the columns become rows. This can be useful for analyzing data in different ways or preparing it for use in other formulas.

Creating a chart from transposed data

If you want to create a chart from a table of data, but the chart requires the data to be in a different orientation, you can use TRANSPOSE to flip the table and then create the chart from the transposed data.

Combining data from multiple rows or columns

If you have data in multiple rows or columns that you want to combine into a single row or column, you can use TRANSPOSE to flip the data and then use other formulas to combine it. For example, you could use JOIN to combine the data in a single row, or QUERY to filter and sort the data in a specific way.

Common Mistakes

TRANSPOSE not working? Here are some common mistakes people make when using the TRANSPOSE Google Sheets Formula:

Incorrect range or array format

The most common mistake is not properly formatting the range or array in the TRANSPOSE function. Make sure that the input is either a range of cells or an array enclosed in curly brackets {}.

Mismatched row and column sizes

Another common mistake is inputting ranges or arrays with mismatched row and column sizes. The number of rows in the input range/array must match the number of columns in the output range/array.

Using TRANSPOSE on non-rectangular ranges

TRANSPOSE works only on rectangular ranges or arrays. If the input range or array is not rectangular, the output will be incorrect.

The following functions are similar to TRANSPOSE or are often used with it in a formula:

  • JOIN

    The JOIN formula concatenates the elements of one or more arrays using a specified delimiter string. It is commonly used to combine text strings or to create comma-separated lists of values.


    The QUERY function in Google Sheets is used to query data from a specified dataset. The function allows users to filter and sort data based on specific criteria. The function is commonly used in data analysis and reporting, as well as in creating dynamic dashboards.

  • SORT

    The SORT formula in Google Sheets is used to sort a range of data based on one or more columns. This function can be used to sort data in ascending or descending order, and can also sort by multiple columns. The sorted data can be used for further analysis or presentation.


    The FILTER formula in Google Sheets is used to filter a range of data based on specified conditions. It returns a new range that only includes the rows that meet the specified conditions. This formula is commonly used to extract specific data from a larger dataset.


    The ARRAYFORMULA formula in Google Sheets allows for the application of a formula to an entire column or range of data, without needing to manually copy the formula to each cell. It is most commonly used to simplify and automate complex calculations across large data sets.

Learn More

You can learn more about the TRANSPOSE Google Sheets function on Google Support.