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The TINV function returns the inverse of the Student's t-distribution for a given probability and degrees of freedom. This function is commonly used in statistical analysis to determine the value of t for a given probability and degrees of freedom.


Use the TINV formula with the syntax shown below, it has 2 required parameters:

=TINV(probability, degrees_freedom)
  1. probability (required):
    The probability associated with the two-tailed Student's t-distribution.
  2. degrees_freedom (required):
    The number of degrees of freedom for the distribution.


Here are a few example use cases that explain how to use the TINV formula in Google Sheets.

Calculating critical values

The TINV function can be used to calculate critical values for the Student's t-distribution. For example, if you are conducting a two-tailed t-test with a 95% confidence level and 10 degrees of freedom, you would use =TINV(0.025, 10) to find the critical value.

Calculating confidence intervals

The TINV function can be used to calculate confidence intervals for a population mean when the population standard deviation is unknown. For example, if you have a sample of 25 observations with a mean of 10 and a sample standard deviation of 2, you could use =TINV(0.025, 24)*2/SQRT(25) to calculate a 95% confidence interval for the population mean.

Calculating p-values

The TINV function can be used to calculate p-values for t-tests. For example, if you have a t-statistic of 2.5 with 10 degrees of freedom, you could use =TINV(0.05, 10) to find the critical value and then use the TDIST function to calculate the p-value.

Common Mistakes

TINV not working? Here are some common mistakes people make when using the TINV Google Sheets Formula:

Using a probability value outside the valid range

The probability value used in the TINV function must be between 0 and 1 (inclusive). If you use a value outside this range, the function will return an error.

Using an incorrect degrees of freedom value

The TINV function requires the correct number of degrees of freedom for the distribution. If you use an incorrect value, the function will return an incorrect result.

Using the wrong type of t-distribution

The TINV function is used to find the inverse of the Student's t-distribution. If you use the function to find the inverse of another type of t-distribution, the function will return an error or an incorrect result.

The following functions are similar to TINV or are often used with it in a formula:


    The TDIST function calculates the probability associated with a Student's t-Test. It returns the probability that the difference between two data sets is greater than or equal to a certain value. This function is commonly used in hypothesis testing.


    The TTEST formula is a statistical formula used to determine the probability of two sample means being equal. It is commonly used in hypothesis testing to determine if there is a significant difference between two sets of data. The formula returns the probability value associated with a t-test, which can be used to determine if the null hypothesis should be rejected or not.


    The CONFIDENCE function calculates the confidence value for a population mean. This is often used in statistical analysis to determine the range in which a population mean is likely to fall. The function takes three parameters: the significance level (alpha), the standard deviation of the population (standard_deviation), and the size of the population (pop_size).


    The STDEV function calculates the standard deviation of a set of numbers. It measures the amount of variation or dispersion of a set of values from the average (mean) value. It is commonly used in statistics to determine the spread of a data set. The values can be supplied as individual cells, ranges, or constants.

Learn More

You can learn more about the TINV Google Sheets function on Google Support.