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The ROUNDUP formula rounds a number up to a specified number of decimal places. It is commonly used to simplify the display of numbers or to perform calculations that require a certain level of accuracy.


Use the ROUNDUP formula with the syntax shown below, it has 1 required parameter and 1 optional parameter:

=ROUNDUP(value, [places])
  1. value (required):
    The number to be rounded.
  2. places (optional):
    The number of decimal places to round to. If omitted, the formula rounds up to the nearest integer.


Here are a few example use cases that explain how to use the ROUNDUP formula in Google Sheets.

Rounding prices to the nearest dollar

When displaying prices, it is common to round them to the nearest dollar. The ROUNDUP formula can be used to achieve this by rounding up to 0 decimal places.

Calculating tax

To calculate tax on a purchase, the total cost must be rounded up to the nearest cent. The ROUNDUP formula can be used to ensure that the calculation is accurate.

Estimating project costs

When estimating the cost of a project, it is often necessary to round up to the nearest hundred or thousand. The ROUNDUP formula can be used to simplify this process.

Common Mistakes

ROUNDUP not working? Here are some common mistakes people make when using the ROUNDUP Google Sheets Formula:

Forgetting to input the value argument

This mistake occurs when the user forgets to input the required value argument. The ROUNDUP function requires at least one argument, which is the value to be rounded up. To fix this error, ensure that the value argument is included in the formula.

Incorrectly inputting the places argument

This mistake occurs when the user incorrectly inputs the optional places argument. The places argument must be a number that specifies the number of decimal places to round the value up to. To fix this error, ensure that a valid number is included as the places argument.

Inputting a negative number as the places argument

This mistake occurs when the user inputs a negative number as the places argument. The places argument must be a positive number or zero. To fix this error, ensure that a positive number or zero is included as the places argument.

Rounding up to an incorrect number of decimal places

This mistake occurs when the user rounds up to an incorrect number of decimal places. The places argument determines the number of decimal places to round up to. To fix this error, ensure that the correct number of decimal places is included as the places argument.

Using the ROUNDUP function incorrectly

This mistake occurs when the user uses the ROUNDUP function incorrectly. To use the ROUNDUP function, enter the value to be rounded up as the first argument, and optionally enter the number of decimal places to round up to as the second argument. Make sure that the function is used correctly and that all arguments are included.

The following functions are similar to ROUNDUP or are often used with it in a formula:


    The ROUNDDOWN formula rounds a number down to a specified number of decimal places. It is commonly used in financial calculations, such as calculating the total cost of a purchase including tax. The formula takes a required value parameter and an optional places parameter specifying the number of decimal places to round to.


    The ROUND formula rounds a number to a specified number of decimal places. It is commonly used to simplify large numbers or to make a number more readable. The formula can round both positive and negative numbers. If the places parameter is not specified, the formula rounds to the nearest integer.


    The CEILING function returns a number rounded up to the nearest multiple of a specified factor. It is commonly used to round up prices to the nearest dollar or to adjust numbers to fit into specific increments.


    The FLOOR formula rounds a given number down to the nearest multiple of a specified factor. It is commonly used when dealing with financial data or when working with time values. The function takes a value and an optional factor as arguments and returns the rounded down value.

Learn More

You can learn more about the ROUNDUP Google Sheets function on Google Support.