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The MINUTE function in Google Sheets returns the minute of the hour for a given date or time value. It takes a single argument, time, which is the date or time value to extract the minute from.


Use the MINUTE formula with the syntax shown below, it has 1 required parameter:

  1. time (required):
    The date or time value that you want to extract the minute from. This can be entered as a reference to a cell containing a date or time value, or as a date or time value enclosed in double quotes.


Here are a few example use cases that explain how to use the MINUTE formula in Google Sheets.

Calculating minutes worked

If you have a start time and an end time for a task, you can use the MINUTE function to calculate the number of minutes worked. Subtract the start time from the end time, then use the MINUTE function to extract the minutes from the result.

Extracting minutes from a timestamp

If you have a timestamp that includes hours and minutes, you can use the MINUTE function to extract the minutes from the timestamp. This can be useful if you want to group events by minute.

Calculating time differences

If you have two timestamps and you want to calculate the time difference between them in minutes, you can use the MINUTE function in combination with other date and time functions.

Common Mistakes

MINUTE not working? Here are some common mistakes people make when using the MINUTE Google Sheets Formula:

Incorrect argument format

One common mistake is providing an argument that is not a valid time format. Ensure that the argument provided is a valid time format or use the TIME function to create one.

Using non-date/time values

Another mistake is using non-date/time values as the argument for MINUTE. This will result in an error. Ensure that the argument provided is a date/time value.

Not referencing a cell with a time value

Another mistake is not referencing a cell with a time value. Ensure that the argument provided is a cell reference that contains a valid time value.

The following functions are similar to MINUTE or are often used with it in a formula:

  • HOUR

    The HOUR function returns the hour component of a given time. This function is most commonly used to extract the hour value from a timestamp or a time value. The function takes one parameter, which is the time to extract the hour component from.


    The SECOND function takes a time value and returns the seconds component of that time as a number between 0 and 59. This function is most commonly used to extract the seconds portion of a time value in order to perform calculations or comparisons based on seconds.


    The DATEVALUE formula in Google Sheets converts a date string into a date value that Google Sheets can recognize as a date. This formula is commonly used when data is imported or copied into Google Sheets from other sources that may not recognize date values. The formula can be used to convert a variety of date string formats into a date value that Google Sheets can work with.


    The TIMEVALUE formula in Google Sheets is used to convert a time string into a time value in the format of HH:MM:SS. This formula is often used to extract the time value from a date/time string and use it for further calculations or formatting.

Learn More

You can learn more about the MINUTE Google Sheets function on Google Support.