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The MINA function returns the smallest numeric value in a range of cells, including numbers, dates, and times. Empty cells, logical values, and text are ignored. This function is commonly used for finding the smallest value in a dataset.


Use the MINA formula with the syntax shown below, it has 2 required parameters:

=MINA(value1, value2)
  1. value1 (required):
    The first cell or range of cells to consider when finding the smallest value.
  2. value2 (required):
    An optional second cell or range of cells to consider when finding the smallest value.


Here are a few example use cases that explain how to use the MINA formula in Google Sheets.

Finding the minimum value in a range

You can use MINA to find the smallest value in a range of cells, including numbers, dates, and times. This is useful for finding the minimum value in a dataset.

Finding the smallest non-zero value in a range

If you need to find the smallest non-zero value in a range, you can use MINA with the FILTER function. For example, =MINA(FILTER(A1:A10,A1:A10<>0)) will return the smallest non-zero value in cells A1 to A10.

Finding the smallest value between two ranges

You can use MINA with two ranges of cells to find the smallest value between them. For example, =MINA(A1:A10,B1:B10) will return the smallest value in cells A1 to A10 and B1 to B10.

Common Mistakes

MINA not working? Here are some common mistakes people make when using the MINA Google Sheets Formula:

Not providing any values

When using MINA, you need to provide at least one value to compare. If you provide no values, the formula will return an error. To fix this, add at least one value to the formula.

Providing non-numeric values

MINA can only compare numeric values. If you provide non-numeric values, the formula will return an error. To fix this, make sure all values provided to the formula are numeric.

Providing a range of cells

MINA can only compare individual values. If you provide a range of cells to the formula, it will return an error. To fix this, provide individual values to the formula.

Using MINA with other statistical functions

MINA is used to find the smallest value among a group of values. It should not be used in conjunction with other statistical functions like AVERAGE or COUNT. If you need to use multiple statistical functions, use them separately.

The following functions are similar to MINA or are often used with it in a formula:

  • MIN

    The MIN formula is a statistical function that returns the smallest value in a set of numbers. It is commonly used to find the minimum value from a range of cells or a list of values.

  • MAXA

    The MAXA function returns the maximum value in a range of values or an array, including text or logical values. It evaluates each value as numeric data. If a cell in the range or array contains text or logical values, it is ignored. If all cells in the range or array contain text or logical values, the MAXA function returns 0. This function is useful for finding the highest value in a set of numbers or values.


    The AVERAGE function calculates the average (arithmetic mean) of the values passed to it. It is commonly used to find the average of a range of cells containing numerical data.


    The MEDIAN function returns the median (middle) value of a set of numbers. It is commonly used to find the middle value in a range of data points. If the number of data points is even, it returns the average of the two middle values. This function can be useful in statistical analysis and data visualization.

  • MODE

    The MODE formula in Google Sheets returns the most frequently occurring value in a dataset. It is commonly used in statistical analysis to identify the value that occurs most frequently in a set of data. The formula requires at least one input value, but can accept multiple values to include in the analysis.

Learn More

You can learn more about the MINA Google Sheets function on Google Support.