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The KURT function returns the kurtosis of a data set, which is a measure of the peakedness of the distribution. A high kurtosis value indicates a more peaked distribution, while a low kurtosis value indicates a flatter distribution. The function is commonly used in statistical analysis to identify if a data set has a normal distribution or not.


Use the KURT formula with the syntax shown below, it has 1 required parameter and 1 optional parameter:

=KURT(value1, value2)
  1. value1 (required):
    The first value or range of values to calculate kurtosis for.
  2. value2 (optional):
    Optional additional value or range of values to calculate kurtosis for.


Here are a few example use cases that explain how to use the KURT formula in Google Sheets.

Identifying non-normal distributions

By using the KURT function, you can determine if a data set has a normal distribution or not. A normal distribution has a kurtosis value of 3, so any value significantly different from 3 indicates a non-normal distribution.

Comparing peakedness of distributions

The KURT function can be used to compare the peakedness of different distributions. A higher kurtosis value indicates a more peaked distribution, while a lower value indicates a flatter distribution.

Analyzing financial data

In finance, the KURT function can be used to analyze the risk of investments. A higher kurtosis value indicates that the returns have a higher probability of being extreme, either positive or negative.

Common Mistakes

KURT not working? Here are some common mistakes people make when using the KURT Google Sheets Formula:

Not providing enough arguments

KURT requires at least 4 arguments to be provided.

Providing non-numeric values

KURT can only be used on numeric values. Providing non-numeric values will result in an error.

Using KURT with a single data point

KURT is intended to be used with a dataset of at least 4 data points. Using it with a single data point will result in an error.

The following functions are similar to KURT or are often used with it in a formula:

  • SKEW

    The SKEW function calculates the skewness of a distribution based on a sample of data. Skewness is a measure of the asymmetry of a distribution around its average value. A positive skewness indicates that the distribution has an asymmetric tail extending towards more positive values, while a negative skewness indicates an asymmetric tail extending towards more negative values. The function can be useful in financial analysis, quality control, and other statistical applications.


    The STDEV function calculates the standard deviation of a set of numbers. It measures the amount of variation or dispersion of a set of values from the average (mean) value. It is commonly used in statistics to determine the spread of a data set. The values can be supplied as individual cells, ranges, or constants.


    The AVERAGE function calculates the average (arithmetic mean) of the values passed to it. It is commonly used to find the average of a range of cells containing numerical data.

Learn More

You can learn more about the KURT Google Sheets function on Google Support.