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The DMAX function is a Database function in Google Sheets that returns the maximum value of a single column in a database table that meets specified criteria. The criteria can be specified using multiple conditions. This function is commonly used in data analysis, especially when working with large datasets.


Use the DMAX formula with the syntax shown below, it has 3 required parameters:

=DMAX(database, field, criteria)
  1. database (required):
    The range or array containing the database table.
  2. field (required):
    The column or field for which to find the maximum value.
  3. criteria (required):
    The range or array containing the criteria to be met. It should be in the same format as the database table.


Here are a few example use cases that explain how to use the DMAX formula in Google Sheets.

Find the highest score of a student

Using DMAX, you can easily find the highest score of a particular student from a database of students' scores. You can specify the criteria to match the student's name and the field to find the maximum value as the score column.

Find the most expensive product

If you have a database of products with their prices, you can use DMAX to find the most expensive product. You can specify the field as the price column and the criteria to match all products.

Find the latest date

With DMAX, you can find the latest or most recent date in a database of dates. You can specify the field as the date column and the criteria as all dates.

Common Mistakes

DMAX not working? Here are some common mistakes people make when using the DMAX Google Sheets Formula:

Incorrect database range

One common mistake is providing an incorrect range for the database parameter. This can result in incorrect or unexpected results. Double check that the range you are using includes all the data you want to analyze.

Incorrect field parameter

Another mistake is providing an incorrect or misspelled field parameter. This can result in an error or incorrect results. Make sure the field parameter matches the exact column header in your database.

Incorrect or missing criteria

If you provide a criteria parameter that is incorrect or missing, you may not get the desired results. Make sure the criteria you are using matches the data in your database.

The following functions are similar to DMAX or are often used with it in a formula:

  • DMIN

    The DMIN function returns the minimum value from a column in a database, based on a specified condition. This function is commonly used to extract specific data from large databases.

  • DSUM

    The DSUM function is a database function that calculates the sum of a set of values in a specified field, subject to the provided criteria. It is commonly used for filtering large data sets based on certain criteria and calculating the total sum of a particular field that matches the criteria.


    The DAVERAGE function calculates the average value of a specified field in a database that matches the given criteria. The function is commonly used in financial and business analysis to calculate averages based on specific conditions.


    The DCOUNT function is a database function in Google Sheets that counts the number of cells in a column of a database that match a set of criteria. This function is most commonly used to filter a database based on certain criteria and count the number of cells that meet that criteria.

Learn More

You can learn more about the DMAX Google Sheets function on Google Support.