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The DAYS360 function calculates the number of days between two dates based on a 360-day year. This formula is commonly used in financial calculations, such as calculating interest payments. The method parameter is optional and can be used to specify the type of day count basis to use, such as US (NASD), European (30/360), or actual/actual.


Use the DAYS360 formula with the syntax shown below, it has 2 required parameters and 1 optional parameter:

=DAYS360(start_date, end_date, [method])
  1. start_date (required):
    The starting date of the date range to calculate the number of days between. Must be a valid date.
  2. end_date (required):
    The ending date of the date range to calculate the number of days between. Must be a valid date.
  3. method (optional):
    An optional parameter that specifies the type of day count basis to use. The default value is US (NASD). Other options include European (30/360) or actual/actual.


Here are a few example use cases that explain how to use the DAYS360 formula in Google Sheets.

Calculate interest payments

Use DAYS360 to calculate the number of days between two dates based on a 360-day year, which is commonly used in financial calculations such as calculating interest payments.

Calculate employee work days

Use DAYS360 to calculate the number of work days between two dates based on a 360-day year, which is commonly used in payroll calculations.

Calculate inventory aging

Use DAYS360 to calculate the age of inventory based on the number of days between the purchase date and the current date, based on a 360-day year.

Common Mistakes

DAYS360 not working? Here are some common mistakes people make when using the DAYS360 Google Sheets Formula:

Incorrect date format

The start_date and end_date arguments must be valid date formats. If they are not, the formula will return an error. Make sure the date format is correct or use the DATEVALUE function to convert text to date format.

Invalid method

The method argument can only be set to 0 or 1. If any other value is used, the formula will return an error. Make sure the method argument is set correctly.

Incorrect order of dates

The start_date argument must be earlier than the end_date argument. If they are reversed, the formula will return a negative number. Make sure the dates are in the correct order.

The following functions are similar to DAYS360 or are often used with it in a formula:

  • DAYS

    The DAYS function calculates the number of days between two dates. It takes two date values as input: end_date and start_date. The function returns the number of days between the two dates, where the end_date is inclusive and the start_date is exclusive.


    The DATEDIF function in Google Sheets calculates the difference between two dates using a specified unit of measurement. This function is commonly used to calculate the length of time between two dates, such as the number of days, months, or years. The function is particularly useful when working with financial or project planning data.


    The NETWORKDAYS function returns the number of working days between two given dates. This function excludes weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and optionally, any specified holidays. This function is commonly used in financial and business applications to calculate the number of workdays between two dates.


    The YEARFRAC function calculates the fraction of a year between two dates. This is useful for calculating the duration of time periods that are less than a year. The function takes into account leap years and can use different day count conventions to calculate the fraction of a year.

Learn More

You can learn more about the DAYS360 Google Sheets function on Google Support.