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The COUPDAYSNC function calculates the number of days from the settlement date to the next coupon date, based on a specified frequency and day count convention. This function is commonly used in financial analysis to calculate the accrued interest on a bond between the settlement date and the next coupon date.


Use the COUPDAYSNC formula with the syntax shown below, it has 3 required parameters and 1 optional parameter:

=COUPDAYSNC(settlement, maturity, frequency, [day_count_convention])
  1. settlement (required):
    The settlement date of the bond, represented as a valid date or serial number.
  2. maturity (required):
    The maturity date of the bond, represented as a valid date or serial number.
  3. frequency (required):
    The number of coupon payments per year for the bond. This must be a positive integer.
  4. day_count_convention (optional):
    The day count convention to use when calculating the number of days between settlement and the next coupon date. This is an optional parameter that defaults to 0 (U.S. (NASD) 30/360).


Here are a few example use cases that explain how to use the COUPDAYSNC formula in Google Sheets.

Calculating accrued interest

One common use case for COUPDAYSNC is to calculate the accrued interest on a bond between the settlement date and the next coupon date. This can be useful for investors who want to know how much interest they will earn or owe on a bond when they buy or sell it between coupon dates.

Determining next coupon date

Another use case for COUPDAYSNC is to determine the date of the next coupon payment on a bond. This can be useful for investors who want to know when they will receive their next interest payment, or for analysts who want to build a model of a bond's cash flows.

Adjusting for non-annual coupon payments

Because COUPDAYSNC allows you to specify the number of coupon payments per year, it can be used to adjust for bonds with non-annual coupon payments. For example, if a bond pays semi-annual coupons, you would set the frequency parameter to 2 to ensure that the function returns the correct number of days to the next coupon payment.

Common Mistakes

COUPDAYSNC not working? Here are some common mistakes people make when using the COUPDAYSNC Google Sheets Formula:

Using incorrect frequency

One common mistake when using COUPDAYSNC is to use the wrong frequency parameter. Make sure that the frequency matches the actual number of coupon payments per year, and keep in mind that some bonds may have non-standard frequencies, such as quarterly or monthly.

Incorrect date format

Make sure that the settlement and maturity dates are formatted correctly, either as valid date values or as references to cells containing date values. Using an incorrect date format can result in errors or unexpected results.

Omitting day count convention

While the day count convention parameter is optional in COUPDAYSNC, it is important to use the correct convention for your specific bond or security. Omitting this parameter can result in incorrect calculations or unexpected results.

The following functions are similar to COUPDAYSNC or are often used with it in a formula:


    The COUPDAYBS function calculates the number of days from the beginning of the coupon period to the settlement date for a security that pays periodic interest. It is commonly used in financial calculations to determine the accrued interest between the last coupon payment and the settlement date.


    The COUPDAYS function returns the number of days in the coupon period that contains the settlement date. This function is commonly used in financial analysis to calculate the number of days between two dates for interest rate calculations.

  • DAYS360

    The DAYS360 function calculates the number of days between two dates based on a 360-day year. This formula is commonly used in financial calculations, such as calculating interest payments. The method parameter is optional and can be used to specify the type of day count basis to use, such as US (NASD), European (30/360), or actual/actual.

Learn More

You can learn more about the COUPDAYSNC Google Sheets function on Google Support.