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The CONVERT formula is used to convert a value from one unit of measurement to another. This formula is most commonly used to convert metric units to imperial units or vice versa.


Use the CONVERT formula with the syntax shown below, it has 3 required parameters:

=CONVERT(value, start_unit, end_unit)
  1. value (required):
    The value to be converted.
  2. start_unit (required):
    The starting unit of measurement.
  3. end_unit (required):
    The unit of measurement to convert to.


Here are a few example use cases that explain how to use the CONVERT formula in Google Sheets.

Converting temperature units

Use the CONVERT formula to convert temperatures from Fahrenheit to Celsius or vice versa.

Converting distance units

Use the CONVERT formula to convert distances from miles to kilometers or vice versa.

Converting weight units

Use the CONVERT formula to convert weights from pounds to kilograms or vice versa.

Common Mistakes

CONVERT not working? Here are some common mistakes people make when using the CONVERT Google Sheets Formula:

Incorrect unit abbreviation

One of the unit abbreviations provided is incorrect or misspelled. Double-check the list of supported units and ensure the correct abbreviation is used.

Incorrect input type

The value being converted is not a number or contains characters that cannot be converted. Ensure the value is a number or correct any non-numeric characters.

Invalid combination of units

The combination of start_unit and end_unit is not valid for this conversion. Refer to the list of supported units and ensure the combination is valid.

Incorrect syntax

The syntax used to write the formula is incorrect, ensure the formula follows the correct syntax: CONVERT(value, start_unit, end_unit).

Unsupported unit

The unit provided is not supported by the CONVERT formula. Refer to the list of supported units and ensure the correct unit is used.

The following functions are similar to CONVERT or are often used with it in a formula:

Learn More

You can learn more about the CONVERT Google Sheets function on Google Support.