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The SIGN formula returns the sign of a number, indicating whether it is positive, negative or zero. It returns 1 if the number is positive, -1 if it is negative and 0 if it is zero. This formula is commonly used in calculations where you need to determine whether a value is positive, negative, or zero.


Use the SIGN formula with the syntax shown below, it has 1 required parameter:

  1. value (required):
    The number for which you want to determine the sign.


Here are a few example use cases that explain how to use the SIGN formula in Google Sheets.

Determine if a number is positive, negative or zero

You can use the SIGN formula to determine whether a number is positive, negative or zero. For example, you can use it to calculate the sign of a difference between two numbers.

Calculate the absolute value of a number

You can use the SIGN formula to calculate the absolute value of a number. For example, you can multiply a number by its sign to get the absolute value.

Extract the sign of a number

You can use the SIGN formula to extract the sign of a number. For example, if you have a list of numbers, you can use the SIGN formula to extract the sign of each number and create a new column with the signs.

Common Mistakes

SIGN not working? Here are some common mistakes people make when using the SIGN Google Sheets Formula:

Using non-numeric value for 'value'

The SIGN formula only works with numeric values. If you use a non-numeric value, the formula will return an error. To fix this, make sure you are using a numeric value for the 'value' parameter.

Forgetting to provide a value for 'value'

If you forget to provide a value for the 'value' parameter, the SIGN formula will return an error. To fix this, make sure you include a value for 'value' when using the formula.

Using incorrect syntax

Make sure you are using the correct syntax for the SIGN formula. The correct syntax is: SIGN(value). If you use incorrect syntax, the formula will return an error.

The following functions are similar to SIGN or are often used with it in a formula:

  • ABS

    The ABS formula returns the absolute value of a number. The absolute value of a number is the distance between the number and zero on a number line, regardless of whether the number is negative or positive. It is commonly used to convert negative numbers to positive numbers or to ignore the negative sign of a number in calculations.


    The ROUND formula rounds a number to a specified number of decimal places. It is commonly used to simplify large numbers or to make a number more readable. The formula can round both positive and negative numbers. If the places parameter is not specified, the formula rounds to the nearest integer.


    The CEILING function returns a number rounded up to the nearest multiple of a specified factor. It is commonly used to round up prices to the nearest dollar or to adjust numbers to fit into specific increments.


    The FLOOR formula rounds a given number down to the nearest multiple of a specified factor. It is commonly used when dealing with financial data or when working with time values. The function takes a value and an optional factor as arguments and returns the rounded down value.

Learn More

You can learn more about the SIGN Google Sheets function on Google Support.