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The MULTIPLY formula is used to multiply two numbers together. It takes in two factors and returns their product. This formula is commonly used in various financial calculations, such as calculating the total cost of an order or the total revenue generated by a product.


Use the MULTIPLY formula with the syntax shown below, it has 2 required parameters:

=MULTIPLY(factor1, factor2)
  1. factor1 (required):
    The first factor to be multiplied. This can be a number or a reference to a cell containing a number.
  2. factor2 (required):
    The second factor to be multiplied. This can be a number or a reference to a cell containing a number.


Here are a few example use cases that explain how to use the MULTIPLY formula in Google Sheets.

Calculating total cost

By using the MULTIPLY formula, you can easily calculate the total cost of an order by multiplying the quantity of items by their unit price.

Calculating total revenue

The MULTIPLY formula is also useful in calculating the total revenue generated by a product, by multiplying the quantity sold by the unit price.

Calculating interest

You can use the MULTIPLY formula to calculate the interest earned on an investment by multiplying the principal amount by the interest rate.

Common Mistakes

MULTIPLY not working? Here are some common mistakes people make when using the MULTIPLY Google Sheets Formula:

Incorrect number of arguments

The MULTIPLY formula requires exactly two arguments: factor1 and factor2. If you provide more or fewer arguments than that, the formula will return an error. Make sure you have the correct number of arguments.

Invalid data type

The MULTIPLY formula can only be used with numerical data. If you try to use it with text or other non-numerical data, the formula will return an error. Make sure your data is in the correct format.

Using the wrong operator

The MULTIPLY formula uses the * symbol as the operator. If you use a different symbol, such as x or X, the formula will return an error. Make sure you are using the correct operator.

The following functions are similar to MULTIPLY or are often used with it in a formula:

  • SUM

    The SUM function in Google Sheets adds up a range of numbers. This function is most commonly used to sum the values in a range of cells.


    The AVERAGE function calculates the average (arithmetic mean) of the values passed to it. It is commonly used to find the average of a range of cells containing numerical data.

  • MAX

    The MAX function returns the maximum value from a range of cells or a set of supplied values. It is commonly used to find the largest value in a dataset.

  • MIN

    The MIN formula is a statistical function that returns the smallest value in a set of numbers. It is commonly used to find the minimum value from a range of cells or a list of values.

Learn More

You can learn more about the MULTIPLY Google Sheets function on Google Support.