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The MAXA function returns the maximum value in a range of values or an array, including text or logical values. It evaluates each value as numeric data. If a cell in the range or array contains text or logical values, it is ignored. If all cells in the range or array contain text or logical values, the MAXA function returns 0. This function is useful for finding the highest value in a set of numbers or values.


Use the MAXA formula with the syntax shown below, it has 1 required parameter and 1 optional parameter:

=MAXA(value1, value2)
  1. value1 (required):
    The first value or range of values to evaluate. It can be a number, reference, or array.
  2. value2 (optional):
    Optional. Additional value or range of values to evaluate. It can be a number, reference, or array.


Here are a few example use cases that explain how to use the MAXA formula in Google Sheets.

Finding the highest sales amount

A business wants to find the highest sales amount for the year. They can use the MAXA function to evaluate a range of sales figures and return the highest value.

Calculating the highest test score

A teacher wants to find the highest test score in their class. They can use the MAXA function to evaluate a range of test scores and return the highest value.

Finding the highest stock price

An investor wants to find the highest stock price for a specific company. They can use the MAXA function to evaluate a range of stock prices and return the highest value.

Common Mistakes

MAXA not working? Here are some common mistakes people make when using the MAXA Google Sheets Formula:

Not using a range of cells

The MAXA function only works with ranges of cells. If you try to use it with a single value, you will get a #VALUE! error.

Using non-numeric data types

While MAXA can handle a wider range of data types than MAX, it still can't handle certain types of data, such as dates. If you try to use it with a range that contains unsupported data types, you will get a #VALUE! error.

The following functions are similar to MAXA or are often used with it in a formula:

  • MAX

    The MAX function returns the maximum value from a range of cells or a set of supplied values. It is commonly used to find the largest value in a dataset.

  • MINA

    The MINA function returns the smallest numeric value in a range of cells, including numbers, dates, and times. Empty cells, logical values, and text are ignored. This function is commonly used for finding the smallest value in a dataset.


    The AVERAGE function calculates the average (arithmetic mean) of the values passed to it. It is commonly used to find the average of a range of cells containing numerical data.

  • SUM

    The SUM function in Google Sheets adds up a range of numbers. This function is most commonly used to sum the values in a range of cells.


    The COUNT formula returns the number of numeric values within a specified range of cells. It is commonly used to count the number of entries in a given range that meet specific criteria, such as counting the number of sales above a certain threshold.

Learn More

You can learn more about the MAXA Google Sheets function on Google Support.