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The MAP formula is used to apply a function to every element of one or more arrays and return a new array with the results. The function to be applied is defined by the LAMBDA parameter. This formula is commonly used for data manipulation and transformation.


Use the MAP formula with the syntax shown below, it has 2 required parameters and 1 optional parameter:

=MAP(array1, [array2, ...], LAMBDA)
  1. array1 (required):
    The array or range of cells to which the function will be applied.
  2. array2, ... (optional):
    Additional arrays or ranges of cells to which the function will be applied. The arrays must have the same length as array1.
  3. LAMBDA (required):
    A function that defines the operation to be performed on each element of the input arrays. The function can be defined using the LAMBDA function or as a named function.


Here are a few example use cases that explain how to use the MAP formula in Google Sheets.

Square every number in an array

Use MAP to apply a function that squares every number in an array and returns a new array with the results.

Convert Celsius temperatures to Fahrenheit

Use MAP to apply a function that converts Celsius temperatures to Fahrenheit and returns a new array with the results.

Filter and map data

Use MAP in combination with FILTER to apply a function to a subset of data and return a new array with the results.

Common Mistakes

MAP not working? Here are some common mistakes people make when using the MAP Google Sheets Formula:

Not providing a function

The most common mistake is forgetting to provide a LAMBDA function as the last argument. This will result in a syntax error.

Mismatched array lengths

If the input arrays have different lengths, the MAP formula will only iterate over elements up to the length of the shortest array. This can result in unexpected behavior or errors.

Incorrect function arguments

If the LAMBDA function takes more arguments than there are input arrays, or if the arguments do not correspond correctly to the input arrays, the formula will return an error.

The following functions are similar to MAP or are often used with it in a formula:


    The ARRAYFORMULA formula in Google Sheets allows for the application of a formula to an entire column or range of data, without needing to manually copy the formula to each cell. It is most commonly used to simplify and automate complex calculations across large data sets.


    The FILTER formula in Google Sheets is used to filter a range of data based on specified conditions. It returns a new range that only includes the rows that meet the specified conditions. This formula is commonly used to extract specific data from a larger dataset.


    The REDUCE formula is used to apply a function to each element of an array, resulting in a single output value. The function specified in LAMBDA is applied to the elements of the array in turn, and the final result is obtained by accumulating these element-wise results. This formula is often used to sum or multiply the elements of an array.

  • SORT

    The SORT formula in Google Sheets is used to sort a range of data based on one or more columns. This function can be used to sort data in ascending or descending order, and can also sort by multiple columns. The sorted data can be used for further analysis or presentation.


    The TRANSPOSE formula in Google Sheets allows you to flip a table of data by turning rows into columns and columns into rows. This can be useful for reorganizing data or preparing it for use in other formulas.

Learn More

You can learn more about the MAP Google Sheets function on Google Support.