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The ISODD function is a Math formula that returns TRUE if the provided value is an odd number, and FALSE if it is an even number. This formula is commonly used when you need to check if a number is odd or even before performing certain operations on it.


Use the ISODD formula with the syntax shown below, it has 1 required parameter:

  1. value (required):
    The number to check whether it is odd or even.


Here are a few example use cases that explain how to use the ISODD formula in Google Sheets.

Checking if a number is odd

You can use the ISODD function to check if a number is odd. For example, if you want to highlight all odd numbers in a column, you can use conditional formatting and set the rule as =ISODD(A1).

Filtering odd numbers

You can use the ISODD function in combination with the FILTER function to filter odd numbers from a range. For example, =FILTER(A1:A10, ISODD(A1:A10)) will return a new range containing only the odd numbers from A1 to A10.

Counting odd numbers

You can use the ISODD function in combination with the COUNTIF function to count the number of odd numbers in a range. For example, =COUNTIF(A1:A10, ISODD(A1:A10)) will return the count of odd numbers in A1 to A10.

Common Mistakes

ISODD not working? Here are some common mistakes people make when using the ISODD Google Sheets Formula:

Not providing a value argument

The ISODD function requires a value argument to determine whether it is odd or even. If no argument is provided, the function will return an error. Make sure to provide a value argument.

Providing a non-numeric value argument

The ISODD function requires a numeric value argument to determine whether it is odd or even. If a non-numeric value is provided, the function will return an error. Make sure to provide a numeric value argument.

Using the wrong syntax

The ISODD function requires the syntax ISODD(value). Make sure to use the correct syntax and provide a value argument in the parentheses.

The following functions are similar to ISODD or are often used with it in a formula:


    The ISEVEN function in Google Sheets is used to check if a given number is even or not. It returns either `TRUE` if the number is even or `FALSE` if the number is odd. This function is most commonly used in combination with other functions to perform conditional logic.

  • MOD

    The MOD function returns the remainder of a division operation. It takes two numeric inputs: the dividend and divisor. The result will be the remainder after the dividend has been divided by the divisor. This function is often used in financial and accounting calculations.

  • ODD

    The ODD function rounds up a given value to the nearest odd integer. It takes one required parameter, value, which is the number to be rounded up. This function is commonly used in scenarios where only odd values are acceptable, such as in lottery games and sports scoreboards.

  • EVEN

    The EVEN function rounds a given value up to the nearest even integer. This function is commonly used when dealing with financial data, as many financial calculations require the use of even numbers.

Learn More

You can learn more about the ISODD Google Sheets function on Google Support.