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The HYPGEOMDIST function calculates the probability of a certain number of successes in a specified number of draws from a finite population without replacement. It is commonly used in statistical analysis to model situations where a sample is taken from a population and the probability of getting a certain number of successes is of interest.


Use the HYPGEOMDIST formula with the syntax shown below, it has 4 required parameters:

=HYPGEOMDIST(num_successes, num_draws, successes_in_pop, pop_size)
  1. num_successes (required):
    The number of successes in the sample.
  2. num_draws (required):
    The number of draws (samples) taken.
  3. successes_in_pop (required):
    The number of successes in the population.
  4. pop_size (required):
    The size of the population.


Here are a few example use cases that explain how to use the HYPGEOMDIST formula in Google Sheets.

Calculating the probability of winning a lottery

Suppose a lottery has 100 tickets, with 10 winning tickets. You buy 5 tickets. You can use HYPGEOMDIST to calculate the probability of winning at least one prize.

Calculating the probability of getting a certain number of defective units in a sample

Suppose a batch of 1000 units has 50 defective ones. You take a sample of 100 units. You can use HYPGEOMDIST to calculate the probability of getting exactly 5 defective units in the sample.

Modeling the success rate of a marketing campaign

Suppose a marketing campaign targets 1000 potential customers, with 100 of them likely to make a purchase. You randomly sample 50 customers and record the number of purchases made. You can use HYPGEOMDIST to model the probability distribution of the number of purchases in the sample.

Common Mistakes

HYPGEOMDIST not working? Here are some common mistakes people make when using the HYPGEOMDIST Google Sheets Formula:

Incorrect order of arguments

Users may incorrectly input the arguments in the wrong order, leading to incorrect results. It is important to ensure that the arguments are input in the correct order: num_successes, num_draws, successes_in_pop, pop_size.

Non-integer arguments

The HYPGEOMDIST function only works with integer arguments. If non-integer arguments are used, the function will return an error. Ensure that all arguments are integers before using the function.

Invalid input for arguments

If the input for any of the arguments is a negative number or greater than the population size, the function will return an error. Ensure that all arguments are valid inputs before using the function.

Misunderstanding of function purpose

Users may misunderstand the purpose of the HYPGEOMDIST function, leading to incorrect use or interpretation of the results. It is important to understand that the function calculates the probability of a specified number of successes in a specified number of draws from a population of a specified size.

Confusion with other distribution functions

Users may confuse the HYPGEOMDIST function with other distribution functions, such as BINOMDIST or POISSON. It is important to understand the differences between these functions and use the correct one for the specific situation.

The following functions are similar to HYPGEOMDIST or are often used with it in a formula:


    The BINOMDIST function calculates the probability of a certain number of successes in a fixed number of trials given a constant probability of success for each trial. This function is commonly used in statistical analysis and hypothesis testing.


    The POISSON function returns the Poisson distribution probability density function, which is used to show the probability of a certain number of events occurring in a fixed interval of time or space. It takes in the values for the number of events (x), the mean (mean), and a boolean for whether or not to return the cumulative distribution (cumulative).

  • T

    The T function in Google Sheets returns the text representation of a value. If the value is already in text format, it is returned as is. Otherwise, it is converted to text based on the default formatting rules of Google Sheets.


    The NORMDIST function in Google Sheets calculates the normal distribution for a specified value, mean, and standard deviation. It returns the probability of a value occurring within a specified range of a normal distribution. It is commonly used in statistics, finance, and science to analyze data and make predictions.

Learn More

You can learn more about the HYPGEOMDIST Google Sheets function on Google Support.