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The ERFC.PRECISE function is used to calculate the complementary Gauss error function of a given value. This function is most commonly used in statistical analysis to calculate probabilities of certain events occurring.


Use the ERFC.PRECISE formula with the syntax shown below, it has 1 required parameter:

  1. z (required):
    The numeric value for which to calculate the complementary Gauss error function. Must be between -27.225 and 27.225.


Here are a few example use cases that explain how to use the ERFC.PRECISE formula in Google Sheets.

Calculate probability of events

By using the ERFC.PRECISE function, you can calculate the probability of certain events occurring in statistical analysis.

Measure signal-to-noise ratio

The ERFC.PRECISE function can be used to calculate the signal-to-noise ratio in communication systems.

Calculate black hole event horizon

In astrophysics, the ERFC.PRECISE function is used to calculate the event horizon of a black hole.

Common Mistakes

ERFC.PRECISE not working? Here are some common mistakes people make when using the ERFC.PRECISE Google Sheets Formula:


Ensure that the formula name is spelled correctly and that there are no typos.

Incorrect Argument

Ensure that the formula has the correct number and type of arguments, as the ERFC.PRECISE formula only takes one argument.

Invalid Input

Ensure that the input value is a number and within the acceptable range of values for the ERFC.PRECISE formula.

Incorrect Formatting

Ensure that the cell formatting is set to the correct number format if the result is not displaying correctly.

Misunderstanding Function

Ensure that you have a clear understanding of what the ERFC.PRECISE formula does and how it should be used in your specific context.

The following functions are similar to ERFC.PRECISE or are often used with it in a formula:

  • ERF

    The ERF function calculates the error function of a given value. The error function returns the probability of a normal variable with a mean of zero and a standard deviation of one falling between two values. This function is commonly used in statistics and engineering applications.


    The NORM.S.DIST function returns the standard normal cumulative distribution function. It calculates the probability that a random variable with a standard normal distribution is less than or equal to x. This function is commonly used in statistical analysis and hypothesis testing.


    The NORM.S.INV function is a statistical function in Google Sheets that returns the inverse of the standard normal cumulative distribution function for a specified value. In other words, it returns the z-score that corresponds to a given probability. This function is commonly used in hypothesis testing, confidence interval estimation, and other statistical analyses.

Learn More

You can learn more about the ERFC.PRECISE Google Sheets function on Google Support.